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Giorno: 2024-07-04 | Ora: 00:06 Santiment, un'azienda di analisi delle criptovalute, ha discusso due criptovalute che secondo loro stanno vivendo un'intensità di "FUD" nel loro post. Bittensor sta vivendo una perdita di valore a causa di una vulnerabilità di sicurezza che ha portato al furto di $8 milioni di TAO. Bitcoin ha subito un breve calo al di sotto dei $60.000, portando i trader a parlare di tendenze preoccupanti e a vendere i propri asset. L'attacco alle wallet degli utenti ha causato una diminuzione del 15% del prezzo di TAO. Le indagini sull'attacco sono ancora in corso e Bittensor è stato messo in "modalità di sicurezza" per prevenire ulteriori transazioni.

Santiment, a cryptocurrency analytics company, discussed two cryptocurrencies that they believe are experiencing a high level of "FUD" in their post. Bittensor is experiencing a loss in value due to a security vulnerability that led to the theft of $8 million worth of TAO. Bitcoin briefly dropped below $60,000, causing traders to talk about concerning trends and sell their assets. The attack on user wallets resulted in a 15% decrease in the price of TAO. Investigations into the attack are still ongoing, and Bittensor has been put into "security mode" to prevent further transactions.


Cryptocurrency analysis company Santiment discussed two cryptocurrencies that it claimed were experiencing “FUD” intensity in its post.

According to the analytics company, fear is in the air and traders are talking about two cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC) and Bittensor (TAO).

According to analysts, Bittensor is experiencing FUD and has seen a loss in value due to the security vulnerability that led to the theft of a total of $8 million worth of TAO from cryptocurrency users' wallets.

On the other hand, for Bitcoin, a brief drop below $60,000 on its chart led traders to talk about worrying trends and sell their assets “before it is too late,” according to analysts.

The Bittensor blockchain was temporarily halted following an attack on several user wallets, causing a 15% drop in TAO prices.

Investigations into the attack, which is suspected to have been caused by a private key leak, are ongoing and Bittensor has been placed in “safe mode” to prevent further transactions until more information is obtained.

“We are investigating, and out of an abundance of caution, we recently halted on-chain transactions entirely until we learn more about the nature of this attack,” a Bittensor core team member wrote on the project's Discord channel.

*This is not investment advice.

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